7 Reasons Orange County, California Residents Need Replacement Windows
The windows installed in your household serve a vital role in adding curb appeal to your residence, and they can be either adding to or subtracting from the energy efficiency of your home. Whether they’re providing a benefit or a detriment will usually depend on their condition. New windows will usually contribute significantly to greater energy efficiency, whereas older, damaged windows can act as a siphon that causes utility bills to soar. If you live in Orange County, California, here are some reasons you might need replacement windows.
Window damage
When the winds pick up, they can hurl all kinds of objects in every direction. If they’ve caused a loose branch or any other object to impact your windows, you could have a crack that will allow conditioned air to escape to the outside. Older windows tend to crack around the frames, and that too will permit outside air to penetrate to the interior. Window damage is one sure sign that you need replacement windows.
Difficult to operate
Over a period of time, some windows can become hard to hoist into the open position. This is particularly true of older windows or windows that are seldom opened. If you have extreme difficulty in opening the window, or if it only opens partially before getting stuck, it may be best to replace the window altogether. Then you’ll be able to easily open, close, and adjust your windows any way you want them.
Old age
If your windows have been in place for longer than 10 or 15 years, chances are you would significantly benefit by replacing them. Windows are constantly exposed to harsh weather elements, and that can cause cracking or other damage. In addition, during the time since they were last replaced, windows that are much more energy-efficient have been developed and made available. That means you are probably missing out on all those benefifts.
Misaligned latches
At one time, all your window latches were probably perfectly aligned with the windows, so it was no trouble to close and lock them. This is an important feature, because it provides a layer of security for you and your family members. If your latches are no longer sufficiently aligned that the windows can be locked securely, it’s time to replace them.
Painted shut
It could be that a previous owner decided to paint the window frames of your windows, and they are now sealed shut by that paint. Rather than trying to break that seal or remove the paint, it may be in your best interests to just go ahead and replace the windows altogether.
Window won’t stay open
For those times when you’d like to let some fresh air in the house, you may be prevented from doing so because you can’t keep the window open. You may be able to prop it open using an object that gets inserted between the window and the frame, but that’s not the best way to maintain your fresh air flow. Buy some new windows, and you won’t have that problem anymore.
Feeling breezes
If you can hold your hand next to a window pane and feel a breeze, your window has some kind of leak, or it has been compromised in some way. Rather than fish around for the leak, you’d be better off to simply install a replacement window with a tight seal. Then you won’t have to worry about losing your conditioned air, or having outside air penetrate to the interior.