Casement Windows vs. Double-Hung Windows
If you’re not quite sure about the appearance and functionality of casement windows and double-hung windows, this review will hopefully make that a bit more clear for you, before we proceed into a comparison of the two window types. Casement windows are opened and closed by using a crank, which means that you will only need one hand to accomplish the task. They push outward to open, and will extend beyond the framework of your house. Casement windows work very well when installed above your kitchen sink, as opposed to having to lean over and push a double-hung window open.
Double-hung windows will always move downward and upward within their frames. Some types will permit you to move both the bottom and the top sashes, while others only allow for the bottom sash to be moved. Double-hung windows are considered to be a kind of all-purpose window. To learn about the advantages of each of these fine window types, continue reading below.
Advantages of casement windows
One of the biggest benefits of having casement windows installed in your home is that they have their own unique look, and provide considerable aesthetic appeal. Many people enjoy them because they have a very contemporary-looking style, and because there is no sash dividing the window, as would be the case in a double-hung window.
If the general decor of your house is considered contemporary, casement windows might be a very good fit for you. When a casement window is closed, each of the four sides of the sash will press firmly into the frame, thus sealing up any potential air leaks. When you have this kind of tight seal, it’s easier to manage your interior temperature, and to keep conditioned air on the inside.
When you know there are air leaks around your current windows, you’ll probably notice a reduction in your utility bills once you have casement windows installed. One of the conveniences of having casement windows installed is that they are extremely easy to open and close. Older homeowners will certainly appreciate this, because they are much easier to open than other windows, which might get stuck and require considerable effort to reopen.
Advantages of double-hung windows
If you own an older, historic type of home, double-hung windows will be the type that fit best with this kind of home. They’re also flexible enough to be a good fit for most other home styles and most rooms within those homes. You can also install a room air conditioning unit in a double-hung window with no trouble whatsoever.
This would not be possible in a casement window, which means you would need to give some thought to keeping a specific room cool which has casement windows installed. One of the big advantages of installing double-hung windows is that they last for a very long time, and require very little maintenance. Double-hung windows have very few moving parts, so it’s much less likely that any kind of mechanical failure will occur.
Comparing the two window types
In terms of aesthetics, it’s probably a wash, and you’ll find probably as many supporters of casement windows as you do for double-hung windows, with regard to their appeal. When it comes to cleaning either of these two window types, that’s also probably about equal. Casement windows can be very easy to clean, simply by cranking open the window and washing both sides while standing outside. Today’s double-hung windows are also very easy to clean, because they can tilt inward to make the whole process a breeze. Older double hung windows lacked this facility, so it might be a little harder to keep them clean.
With regard to durability, casement windows might be affected by weather elements more often, since they are more likely to be open, and susceptible to rain and other weather factors. Double-hung windows are less exposed to weather because of their frame, and that generally allows them to last longer than casement windows and other types of windows.
One area where casement windows might have an advantage over double-hung windows is that they have an airtight seal when closed. Older double-hung windows might permit air to come through on the top side, although modern double-hung windows have addressed this issue and are more airtight. As you can see, a head-to-head comparison of the two window types ends up being basically a draw, so in terms of which one you should choose, it will boil down to a matter of personal preference.